
Affordable website and email hosting.

Your internet domain hosted on our servers.

It’s a business essential to have your own website domain and email but you don’t necessarily have your own servers, so take advantage of our business grade servers in first rate data centres.

Hosted websites with unlimited traffic*.

If you have an existing website then you can simply upload it to our servers and enjoy our first rate data centre offering all the security of complete redundancy and fail-over backups.

Hosted mail with POP3 and webmail access.

Every domain has two sides enabling you to have your own website and email addresses under your own domain. Nothing makes you look more unprofessional than

Monthly AccessPlanStorage CapacityBandwidthMail DatabaseSub Domains 
 $15 Personal 3GB 8GB10 email accounts, 1 email list 0 1
 $20 Small Biz 5GB 15GB100 email accounts, 10 email lists 5 3
 $30 Big Biz 10GB 80GBUnlimited email, 20 email lists 10 10
 $40 Extreme 30GB UnlimitedUnlimited email 10 15